A very rare piece, this is the bone china mini Endemoniada sculpted by Judy Renee Pope and produced as a VERY extremely small edition for Shay Canfield's "Break a Leg" Live show, hosted in Warrenton, VA back in.... 2003 or so. As Mark Farmer of Alchemy Ceramics was producing these in a small OF run, a few custom glazes, and a very few bisques, probably less than 15 pieces exist of the 30 or so that were intended. I got the opportunity to glaze one for Judy Renee Pope to a buckskin spotted blanket appaloosa in exchange for this piece in unglazed bisque. I then glazed this one to the lovely grullo overo photoed here. This was the only mini I have ever done with a blue eye and a mapped overo pattern. For an older piece of my work, his detail is excellant. I apologize for the greenish tint to my old photos - the piece is a nice warm brownish-grey without any green tint.
This gloss finished piece had a small bubble defect rise up in the bisque body, underneath his underglaze, on the final firing. This can be seen in some of the photos below, on his upper left shoulder. This was removed with a file and retouched using traditional ceramics restoration methods, using cold paints and varnish. The repair is unfindable and perfect, but worth noting. This Ende was then offered for sale via lottery to my Yahoo news group members in 2004 for $250.00. To date, this is one of my top favorite of my older glazed pieces, and one of my favorite minis I have ever done. Definately a character! If anyone can get better photos of this piece than I have here, PLEASE email me! I'd like to buy the use of them for this webpage. Thank you!